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Ann Child Neurol > Volume 25(4); 2017 > Article
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society 2017;25(4):227-233.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26815/jkcns.2017.25.4.227    Published online December 30, 2017.
The Efficacy of Treatment According to Electroencephalogram Findings in Children and Adolescents with Recurrent Primary Headache.
Jung Yeon Joo, Young Il Rho, Jae Hee Lee
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea. pedjhl@chosun.ac.kr
We investigated the impact of treatment on electroencephalogram (EEG) findings, and determined treatment efficacy according to EEG findings and antiepileptic drugs in children and adolescents with recurrent headaches. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 131 patients, aged 5–18 years, with recurrent primary headaches and performed EEG study who visited the Chosun University Hospital Department of Pediatrics from January 2014 to December 2016. Headaches were classified according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders-III (ICHD-III, beta version), and EEGs were analyzed for changes after treatment for primary headache. RESULTS: Among 131 patients, we successfully collected completed all the data on 30 patients (18 boys, 12 girls). The frequency of abnormal EEG findings before treatment was not significantly different according to the type of primary headache (P= 0.390). The mean frequency (P=0.001), duration (P=0.002), and intensity of headaches (P < 0.001), and disability due to headache (P=0.003) were significantly decreased after treatment in patients with epileptiform discharges on EEG. The mean frequency and intensity of headaches and disability due to headache (P < 0.005) was also significantly decreased in the patients with both slow and normal EEG findings. The mean frequency (P=0.007), duration (P=0.01), and intensity (P < 0.001) of headaches, and disability due to headache (P=0.002) were significantly decreased after treatment with antiepileptic drugs in patients with epileptiform discharges. CONCLUSION: Abnormal EEG findings were no significant differences in terms of type of primary headaches. Our results suggest that antiepileptic drugs may alleviate headaches in patients with epileptiform discharges on EEG.
Key Words: Headache, Electroencephalogram, Treatment, Antiepileptic drugs


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