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Ann Child Neurol > Volume 31(4); 2023 > Article
Kwon: Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Korean Child Neurology Society
On behalf of the committees of the Korean Child Neurology Society (KCNS) and all our members, I am delighted to announce the memorable occasion of KCNS’s 30th anniversary celebration. This remarkable event signifies three decades of committed endeavors and progress in pediatric neurology, influencing the future of medical research and patient care for children globally.
Since its establishment in 1993, the KCNS has been instrumental in supporting the field of child neurology in Korea. Currently, the KCNS encompasses over 20 university-affiliated training programs and more than 300 exceptional pediatric neurologists. Our goal is to foster the next generation of child neurology specialists by providing them with the most recent knowledge and encouraging their academic research pursuits. Additionally, we facilitate communication among our members regarding their clinical interests and academic research. This progress has been made possible through the unwavering commitment of all our members, including past presidents and committee members, who have contributed significantly to the outstanding development of the KCNS over the past decades.
In addition, the transformation of the Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society into the internationally respected publication, Annals of Child Neurology, is a testament to an unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation in the dissemination of groundbreaking research and knowledge. We express our deep gratitude for the tireless efforts of Editor-in-Chief Soonhak Kwon, the editorial team, reviewers, and everyone else involved in maintaining the journal's high standards and academic rigor, which have elevated it to its current prestigious status. The journal's multidisciplinary approach to addressing various neurological disorders has undeniably been instrumental in advancing our understanding and treatment of pediatric neurological conditions.
As we celebrate this momentous milestone, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the trailblazers, researchers, and practitioners in pediatric neurology. Their steadfast commitment has laid the groundwork for a more promising and healthier future for children globally. Let's persist in nurturing collaboration and the exchange of knowledge within pediatric neurology. In doing so, we aim to make additional progress in medical advancements and enhance the lives of young patients and their families.
I am delighted to announce the KCNS’s 30th Anniversary International Symposium (“Pediatric Neurology: Past, Present and Future”), which will be held in Incheon from November 9 to 10, 2023. Once again, I extend my heartfelt congratulations on the 30th anniversary of the KCNS, and we eagerly anticipate seeing all our friends in Incheon.
Best wishes, and thank you in advance for your contribution to the KCNS.


Young Se Kwon is the president of the Korean Child Neurology Society, but had no role in the decision to publish this article.

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